
博客來精選推薦Kaplan Asvab Premier 2017-2018- With 6 Practice Tests


Kaplan Asvab Premier 2017-2018- With 6 Practice Tests

Kaplan Asvab Premier 2017-2018- With 6 Practice Tests 評價





Kaplan Asvab Premier 2017-2018- With 6 Practice Tests

就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~

而且難度來說~~ 還~~~算OK啦XD



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Kaplan Asvab Premier 2017-2018- With 6 Practice Tests


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ASVAB Premier 2017-2018 is an in-depth study system providing online and print practice and review for all portions of the ASVAB and AFQT. This edition features mobile-ready online resources and perforated study sheets, so you’ll find everything you need to get the results you want on the ASVAB and AFQT. It also features flashcards, video resources, and an expanded Quiz Bank for use on your computer or mobile device.

ASVAB Premier 2017-2018 includes:

* Flashcards to help you reinforce important concepts for the technical subtests
* Six introductory math videos that review basic concepts commonly seen in the Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge subtests
* 1,200+ realistic practice questions with explanations
* 6 full-length ASVAB practice tests with detailed explanations: 3 online and 3 in the book
* An online Quiz Bank you can use to create custom quizzes with just the material you need to focus on
* Expert mobile-ready video tutorials online
* Tear-out math and verbal study sheets
* Study on the go with mobile-ready online practice tests and score reports
* Detailed math and verbal review, including targeted strategies for vocabulary questions and math problem solving
* An extensive word list to help you build your vocabulary
* Comprehensive content review and specific methods for tackling all technical topics: science, electronics, auto/shop, mechanical information, and object assembly
* Specific strategies for mastering the Computer Based Test format

ASVAB Premier 2017-2018 is the ultimate study system for individuals interested in the military. Get the results you need to pursue the military career path you want.


  • 作者: Kaplan (COR)
  • 原文出版社:Kaplan Test Prep
  • 出版日期:2016/07/05
  • 語言:英文

Kaplan Asvab Premier 2017-2018- With 6 Practice Tests

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